Chafe gear is vital for the protection of synthetic ropes when using them for mooring, pushing, or ship towing. At Bilco, we provide WEB-TEC chafe gear that is easily applied and adjusted on synthetic ropes. Our rope can be found all over the world being used by different marine towing companies. You can trust that we provide effective chafing gear. Our chafing gear is:
- Abrasion resistant- marine chafing gear must be able to withstand rubbing against piers, poor fairleads, and chocks.
- Decide which chafe gear you need. We make chafe gear for pre-fabricated eyes and we make sliding and fixed chafe gear for the body of the mooring line.
- Installation of the chafing gear must be easy to apply to a rope as well as to take off. Our double locking hook and loop system allows for the product to be durable and quickly removable.
Chafe Gear
We provide only the highest-quality chafing gear available. You can trust Bilco's Chafe gear.
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