Crane Wire Rope: What is Rotation Resistant Wire

Rotation resistant ropes are known to provide the best and most economical services for specific applications. When the correct ropes are selected and appropriately used, they are unmatched in the lifting market. Elephant hoists greatly benefit from rotation resistant wires.

Crane Wire Rope

Rotation resistance is created when wires are laid in a contra-helical position. These ropes are different from standard construction types because rotation resistant ropes are required to meet a different and higher set of service requirements. The modes of wear and failure for these ropes vary more than standard constructions. Special operational needs make specific limitations and special handling necessary. These are not encouraged with standard constructions.

Testing on ropes that are resistant to rotation commonly shows that the total length of service for these ropes is shorter than that of standard construction ropes. The tests show that there is a need for separate guidelines for the use, inspection, retirement, and application of resistant ropes.

crane wire rope

Using a swivel at the load hook for rotation resistant ropes results in unpredictable service life. This type of practice can potentially lead to unbalanced loading between outer and inner layers of strands. This typically results in core failure. Any significant changes in diameter found in a small length of operating rope should be retired and replaced. Make sure to use appropriate rigging supplies for all crane wire rope applications.

V rope

For more information on the benefits of rotation resistant ropes, you should not hesitate to give our team a call. Do not forget to ask about our V rope options.


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