Design of Wire Rope

Wire ropes are comprised of independent wires that are wrapped around a core. Engineers, who create wire rope, design wire ropes with different grades of steel, finishes, and resistances in to attain the most durable and sturdy wire.  Different styles of wire rope have varying crush rates, abrasion rates, bending fatigue, and corrosion resistances.

wire rope

In order to choose the most appropriate wire rope for a specific application, it is important to know the suggested performance characteristic for a job, and if a specific wire rope design is capable of performing the task.  Most of the variation lies within the strand construction. Strands are created with many different combinations of wires and sizes. 

Single size: this is the basic strand construction and has a design that is comprised of the same size wires, wound around a core

Seale: Seale wire ropes have larger outer wires with the same number of smaller inner wires, wrapped around a core. This design is appropriate for applications that require excellent abrasion resistance.

Wire Rope

Filler Wire: The filler wire design uses small wires to fill the spaces between large and small wires. This produces an excellent crush resistance and makes the design flexible, strong, and resistant to abrasion.


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