When it comes to v rope verope, safety is critical. It’s essential to inspect your wire rope regularly. Frequent inspections ensure the safety of your employees and prolongs the life of your wire. Wear and tear are typical with use, so perform daily maintenance checks for common issues. But how do you properly inspect wire ropes?
Below we’ll go over the top things to look for when inspecting your wire ropes.
- Crushing - With time, it’s likely for strands to crush or flatten. Often this issue occurs with multilayer spooning conditions, but it may also happen if using an incorrect wire rope construction.
- Abrasion - It’s imperative that all vital components, such as the drum and sheaves, be in working order to avoid abrasion from occurring.
- Wire Breaks - A minimum amount of wire breaks are allowed per crane type before the system becomes compromised. Pay attention to the number of broken wires on the outside to determine if a replacement is needed.
- Diameter Reduction -Many factors, such as inner wire failure, abrasion of the outside wire, and loss of core support, lead to diameter reduction. Also, note the diameter of a rope when you first receive it as it’s the only way to determine if reduction has occurred.
- Corrosion - Corrosion is more severe than abrasion, but unfortunately, it’s harder to see. The issue with corrosion is that it usually occurs inside before working its way on the outside. One of the first signs of this issue is discoloration from rusting.
Wire Rope
Call us today for all your wire rope needs. We also specialize in nylon slings.
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